

StreetFit is the outdoor workout that never gets boring. In a combination of cardio (jogging, sprints) and strength exercises (arms, legs, ass, core) we get a bit fitter and stronger every week. We use what the environment provides us: Walls, benches, playgrounds, etc. I offer StreetFit as a 45 or 60 minutes Trianing in Risch and Rotkreuz. According to demand I can extend or adapt the offer. A trial training is free, if it is the right training for you, you can buy training cards from me. There is also the possibility to buy partner cards, where you share your card with someone (colleague, partner, friends).

StreetFit in Hünenberg

Hünenberg is an attractive village on the slope of the Reusch valley. The village is surrounded by forest, and because it is on a slope, there are many stairs. The castle ruins are also an attractive training location.

In Hünenberg, training takes place mainly in the morning, after school starts. Whether it's mummy's or daddy's day or home office, training in the morning gives you an energy boost for the whole day.

When: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or/and Friday morning 08:30 - 09:30

Meeting place: Not yet fixed.

Expansion of traininghours

If you would like to train with me, but the offer does not suit you in terms of time or location? Please contact me, if there is enough demand I can extend the offer.

Please fill out the following form: