general terms and conditions of business

masculine form includes feminine form)

Terms and conditions marked with "SF" are only valid for the area "StreetFit".

Terms and conditions marked with "ET" are only valid for the area of nutritional training".


  1. XMV-Fitness offers StreetFit according to the StreetFit concept. - (SF)
  2. StreetFit is only offered by instructed instructors - (SF)
  3. The training sessions have a duration of 45 or 60 minutes and are offered in Risch and Rotkreuz. - (SF)
  4. Packages / subscriptions / training cards are personal and non-transferable. Partner cards can be obtained under special conditions in consultation with the trainer.
  5. Should a StreetFit training time or place not take place due to insufficient number of participants or due to longer absence of the StreetFit instructor, XMV-Fitness reserves the right to cancel the corresponding training offer. Any training fees already paid will be refunded to the respective participants, minus the training already held. - (SF)
  6. The training hours are paid in advance by means of a 5, 10 or 20 training card. Drop-in classes can be paid in advance by TWINT - (SF)
  7. The training cards have a limited validity of 8, 16 or 30 weeks for the 5-, 10- and 20-session cards respectively, excluding vacations - (SF)
  8. The validity period can be extended, starting from two weeks, with a free time-stop, provided a doctor's certificate or confirmation is presented. The time-stop regulations can be consulted or applied in the given case. - (SF)
  9. Holders of a training card can, in consultation with XMV-Fitness, make up for training sessions that cannot be attended on another day. In this case, a 45-minute training session can be replaced by a 60-minute training session with an additional payment of CHF 5. - (SF)
  10. XMV-Fitness offers the nutrition training in packages S (1 month), M (3 months), L (6 months) or XL (12 months). - (ET)

    Nutritional consulting services can be extended at the end of the support period at a cost per month. - ET.

  11. Contracted fees are payable either in cash or by Twint on the agreed payment date. Should the member fall into arrears, the entire outstanding amount, plus interest and reminder costs, will be due immediately.
  12. Non-use of the services of XMV-Fitness does not entitle the member to any reduction or even reclaim of the payments made or the payment obligations entered into.
  13. Any liability on the part of XMV-Fitness or its staff for damages resulting from an accident, injury or illness is excluded. The conclusion of an insurance policy is the responsibility of the participants.
  14. XMV-Fitness is not liable for material or non-material damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect, outdated and incomplete information.
  15. Gross or repeated violations of the GTC, the operating regulations or instructions of the staff may result in the issuing of a house ban. There is no entitlement to a refund of the participation fees. In the event of violations, the right to file criminal charges is expressly reserved.
  16. The participant expressly acknowledges that the GTC and the operating regulations are subject to change. The member cannot derive any rights from a change to the GTC or the company regulations.

  17. Swiss law shall apply. The place of jurisdiction is Zug. The participant expressly waives the place of jurisdiction at his place of residence.